Dr. Steve Ward
Pastor Ward and his beautiful wife, Debra
Pastor Ward is a Lowndes County native; in fact, he was raised just a mile or so from where Victory Baptist Church now stands. He married his high school sweetheart, Debra, in 1970 and together they have two daughters who along with their husbands, still serve in the ministry at Victory. All of his grandchildren also serve faithfully; some at Victory, and some in other churches where the Lord has moved them away.
In 1972, Pastor Ward’s brother had attended church at Victory, having been invited by members of the church who were out on bus visitation. The next Sunday, Easter 1970, his brother invited him to go to church as well, and the gospel was clearly preached. Later that week, Pastor Carlton Allen visited his home and he was gloriously saved. To this day, the bus ministry has a special place in his heart because the Lord brought him to salvation due to the faithfulness of Victory’s bus workers.
It wasn’t long after salvation until he was working in Sunday School, driving a Sunday School bus, and serving anywhere he could as a member of Victory Baptist Church. Soon, the Lord called him to preach, and he moved to Lakeland, Georgia to start a church. He pastored there for 3 years, until the Lord called him back to Victory as pastor in 1980.
Pastor Ward has a true servant’s heart! Some Sundays, you’ll still find him driving the Sunday School bus. His life has been given to the ministry and through the years, God has blessed Victory under his faithful leadership. He has shared the burdens of his flock, rejoiced in our victories, been present for the good and bad times, and preached the Word without compromise each and every service.
His hobbies include spending time with his family, attending high school football games at his alma mater and attending classic car shows. You may see him cruising through town in his classic Mustang, which he restored from the frame.
We are thankful for our Pastor and his faithulness to Victory Baptist Church!
Bro. Daniel Harrelson
Pictured left to right: Philip, Rebecca, Daniel and Julia
Bro. daniel harrelson
Ministry assistant
Bro. Daniel Harrelson was raised in a pastor’s home, and in church his entire life. At the age of 14, he was saved while visiting a church in Murphy, North Carolina with his family. Being raised for the most part in North Alabama, he surrendered to the call to preach at seventeen and he immediately enrolled in college that fall at Tabernacle Baptist College in Greenville, South Carolina. He graduated in 2002 with his Bachelors of Art in Theology and is currently enrolled studying for His Master’s degree in Divinity. He served as the pastor of Landmark Baptist Church in North Florida for five and half years before coming to Victory in 2008.
In his years at Victory, he has held several positions; that included everything from Sunday school teacher to overseeing the grounds and maintenance. Bro. Daniel has served as the basketball coach since the 09-10 season. He was brought on as the ministry assistant in 2014 and has served as the Upper Learning Center Supervisor since 2019.
He married his wife Rebecca of 23 years at the age of 18, and they have spent their lives serving the Lord and raising a family. He and Rebecca have two children: Philip and Julia. Philp graduated from Victory Christian School in 2020 and is currently enrolled in college and their daughter, Julia, is presently attending Victory Christian school. His family enjoys college football, fishing and spending time together.